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Cutting Horses


Champion Cutting Horses: A Skillful Legacy

The Wiens Ranch isn’t just about cattle; it’s also home to a lineage of champion cutting horses. These magnificent equines are bred, raised, and trained with the same dedication and passion that defines the ranch.

The Art of Cutting:

Cutting is an exhilarating equestrian sport rooted in the working traditions of ranch life. Picture a rider and horse working together as a seamless team. Their task? To separate a single cow from a herd and keep it away for a set period. The horse must anticipate the cow’s movements, mirror its agility, and prevent it from rejoining the herd. It’s a dance of precision and instinct.

Wiens Ranch’s Cutting Program:

  1. Home to Craig Morris Cutting Horses: Craig Morris Cutting Horses is renowned for excellence in the world of cutting horses. With decades of experience and a deep passion for the sport, Craig Morris has established himself as a leading figure in training and breeding top-tier cutting horses. His impressive track record includes winning the prestigious NCHA Futurity on a horse bred by Wiens Ranch, a testament to his skill and dedication. Craig has accumulated over $2 million in NCHA earnings, showcasing his consistent success and expertise in the competitive cutting arena.

  2. Breeding Excellence: The Wiens family carefully selects bloodlines known for their cutting prowess. Their horses carry the legacy of champions—ancestors who’ve dazzled audiences in cutting arenas across the country.

  3. Early Training: Foals at Wiens Ranch receive gentle handling from day one. They learn to trust humans, develop confidence, and build a solid foundation. The ranch’s trainers introduce them to basic maneuvers, ensuring they understand cues and respond willingly.

  4. Cow Sense and Agility: Cutting horses need “cow sense”—an innate ability to read cattle. Wiens Ranch horses spend time around cattle, honing their instincts. They learn to anticipate a cow’s moves, pivot on a dime, and mirror its every twist.

  5. The Cutting Pen: Wiens Ranch hosts cutting clinics and events, where riders and horses practice their skills. The cutting pen becomes an arena of finesse, where horse and rider showcase their teamwork. The thrill of a perfectly executed cut is electric.

  6. Champion Bloodlines: Wiens Ranch horses trace their lineage to legends like Smart Little Lena, Doc Bar, and Peppy San Badger. These names evoke respect among cutting enthusiasts, and the ranch continues to produce horses that carry forward this heritage.

Legacy and Future:

As the sun sets over the Colorado plains, the Wiens family watches their cutting horses graze contentedly. Each horse embodies the spirit of the West—the grit, determination, and partnership that define the ranch. Whether in the show ring or on the open range, these champions continue to make their mark.

"The Smart Look"

The Wiens Ranch is responsible for skyrocketing “The Smart Look” into her historic title of one of the top producing dams of all time. In addition to cultivating the producing potential of The Smart look, the Wiens Ranch was responsible for breeding her most successful offspring  including; WR This Cats Smart, One Smart Lookin Cat, and Smart Lookin Hi Brow. 

Premier Breeding

Our premier breeding program has many other champion bloodlines that can fit into your lifestyle. Be sure to visit our website often to see our horses for sale, learn about upcoming clinics, and attend shows.

You know it’s good if it starts with a WR.

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Wiens Ranch
Company Inc.

5567 South Perry Park Road
Sedalia, Colorado 80135

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